Connecticut Post, April 15, 2015
WESTPORT -- An exhibit of Sherwood Island photos taken by Westport photographer Larry Silver over a 40-year period has opened at the Westport Library. "Sherwood Island, 1975-2015" will be on display in the library's Great Hall through June 24. Silver has returned to Sherwood Island repeatedly over the last four decades in different seasons, library officials said, and the exhibit documents the changing lifestyles of the state park's visitors through the years. The show includes 40 photographs, many of them black-and-white images shot on film, and the more recent ones are color digital images, according to a release. Silver's work is held in more than 29 museum collections, among them the Metropolitan Museum of ArtJewish Museum in New York City and the Smithsonian Museum of American Art. His "Sunset at Sherwood Island State Park" is in the Smithsonian collection.
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