July 26, 2019
Tiger Strikes Asteroid New York is pleased to announce GO, an installation of photographs created by the collaborative duo known as CORAMU, curated by Yael Eban. CORAMU is comprised of New York based artists Ina Jang and Brea Souders, who have invented a competitive photographic dialogue inspired by the ancient Chinese board game “Go,” a game of metaphysical elegance with close connections to politics, economics, and the laws of nature. The strategic game begins with a white and black playing piece. CORAMU has translated these playing pieces into white and black templates, used by each artist to make an opening move in the form of a photograph. The resulting images are exchanged simultaneously. Next, each artist must make one action to the earlier image in the swap. Like a film strip, each image builds on the previous. The process is repeated as each artist takes another “turn,” ultimately creating a chain of 50 connected images.
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