
Daido Moriyama
Daido Moriyama, 2012

Publisher: Aperture

ISBN: 978-1597112178

Dimensions: 9 x 12

Pages: 320
Throughout Daido Moriyama's extensive career. he has continually sought new ways of presenting and recontextualizing his work. frequently recasting his images through the use of different printing techniques. installation. or re-editing and reformatting. In each iteration. images both old and new take on changed and newly charged significance. This volume. created during preparations for several international survey exhibitions. offers both the photographer and the viewer the opportunity to consider the photographer's life work in a fresh light. The author has returned to his contact sheets from the past five decades. selecting previously known images as well as ones never before published. The pages offer reproductions of original contact sheets; sequences of new contact sheets made from recomb...